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ASEAN Disaster Resilience Outlook

label PP5. Global Leadership
labelKnowledge Products / IEC Materials / Studies,

Disaster Resilience is a crucial component of southeast ASIA's aspiration to build a resilient regional community, which can adapt and respond to the plethora of challenges in the region ranging from social and economic vulnerabilities to disasters and climate change.

In 2020, the region was hit by 405 disaster events, which affected

19.3 million people, displaced 2.4 million and led to damages

worth of $227.4 million. The effects of climate change are 1

projected to become more intense and pronounced in Southeast

Asian countries. The report of the IPCC in 2021 finds that the

region has significant increases in extreme weather events, such

as heatwaves and strong monsoons, which are projected to

intensify as global temperatures rise further in the future.

Vulnerability to natural hazards and the effects of climate change

points to the mounting pressure on Southeast Asia to further

strengthen disaster management and resilience to ensure a

prosperous future. The significant disruptions caused by the

COVID-19 pandemic since 2020 have again highlighted the

importance and difficulty in building disaster resilience, as the

world faces increasing risks of concurrent or complex disasters.